Sunday, January 30, 2011

Faith Science - Dark Matter, Dark Energy and The Spirit Realm

From Physics.About.Com

"Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that permeates space and exerts a negative pressure, which would have gravitational effects to account for the differences between the theoretical and observational results of gravitational effects on visible matter. Dark energy is not directly observed, but rather inferred from observations of gravitational interactions between astronomical objects, along with dark matter.

Dark matter is a hypothesized form of matter particle that does not reflect or emit electromagnetic radiation. The existence of dark matter is inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter, such as stars and galaxies.

A small percentage of the gravitational effects observed are from visible matter (some estimates are as low as 4% of total gravitational effects). The remaining 96% is presumed to result from dark matter or dark energy, though these terms are somewhat indicative of our ignorance of the exact nature of these unknown quantities, as they have never been directly observed."

From Faith Science..

On November 11, 2009, the headline on said, “Huge $10 billion collider resumes hunt for God particle.” That article, written by CNN reporter Elizabeth Landau, pushed atomic and molecular physics to the forefront of popular culture for at least one day. The story highlights read as follows: “The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will circulate a beam around the tunnel within two weeks. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) scientists say an electrical failure caused a major shut-down of the collider in September 2008. The full scientific program for the LHC will probably last more than 20 years. The LHC will look for the Higgs boson, quarks, gluons and other small particles.”

Antoine Lavoisier is commonly referred to as the father of modern chemistry. In 1789, he formulated the law of conservation of mass, which in simple terms states that matter is neither created nor destroyed. This is an approximate physical law that loses its credibility in terms of mass conservation when physical matter changes to a form without measurable mass.

Albert Einstein, the most famous theoretical physicist in history, disproved the conclusions drawn by Lavoisier and took the concept a step further. His discovery of special relativity and the related equation of mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2, showed a relationship between mass and energy. This allows for mass to practically disappear during a chemical reaction and be changed into mass-less energy.

Withal, this still proved that if energy is considered a type of matter, the simple interpretation of Lavoisier’s conclusions still applies. Hence, even though mass in its traditional sense is not always conserved, matter, whether or not it has physically measurable mass, always is. Therefore, while things that exist can change form, science has proven that everything in existence has always been in existence and will always be in existence.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:1–3 kjv

Let’s consider faith in the context of the basic scientific principles presented by Lavoisier and Einstein. Faith is “the substance of things hoped for.” Hence, even though faith is a mass-less substance, it is as real as any other substance that has traditional mass. As I said earlier, if the Higgs Boson theoretically gives particles mass, every particle is essentially mass-less. According to Hebrews 11:1, the presence of faith is evidence of things that are not seen. Therefore, our ability to see something with our physical eyes does not make it any more real than it inherently is.

We can also see plainly in Hebrews 11:3 that God used invisible things to create things which are visible. Consequently, even though many Christians assume when reading Genesis 1:1 that God made the heavens and earth out of nothing, the truth according to Hebrews 11:3 is that he didn’t. Traditionally, many considered what was invisible and mass-less as nothing, so they completely underestimated the value of spiritual materials which are the building blocks of the spirit realm. So it’s hard for many to understand that there can be angels or demons in a room without us being aware of them. Now we’ll discover the truth.

Ex nihilo nihil fit–Latin, “Out of nothing, comes nothing” a phrase originated by the Scholastics in claiming that the universe needs God as its cause because something cannot be created out of nothing.
Source: A Dictionary of Common Philosophical Terms, Gregory Pence, published by Mc Graw-Hill

Since matter is neither created nor destroyed but changes form, God used spiritual matter as the building blocks for all physical matter. Can you see a connection between Dark Energy and the spirit realm? I think so.

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