Monday, November 14, 2011

Connecting Neuroscience And Faith

1 Corinthians 2:11(NLT) - No one can know a person’s thoughts except that person’s own spirit, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit.

Last weekend I stumbled upon an interesting article on the CNN.Com Belief Blog called "My Take: Keep government out of mind-reading business" written by Dr.Paul Root Wolpe, the Director of Emory University’s Center for Ethics. Since his focus is on ethics, it's not the most scientific article but it did get my attention. So in search of more scientific evidence I decided to do some research of my own. I wanted to know what was really going on in the "Mind Reading Business"? Eventually, I found a goldmine of information collected by The Society for Neuroscience - Advancing The Understanding of the Brain and Nervous System.
Prepare to have your mind blown wide open!

Here are some fascinating excerpts from two articles I found;

Patients previously believed to be in a vegetative state have responded to basic questions through the use of a portable bedside brain scanner, raising hopes that in future, they might be able to communicate with family and friends.

 Among 16 patients at Addenbrooke's hospital, in Cambridge, and at University hospital, in Liege, Belgium, three people who previously were thought to be without consciousness were able to respond to some one asking them to imagine clenching their right hand or toes.
 The portable brain scanner showed identical brain activity to the patterns created when healthy people imagine making those movements.

The contents of a person’s dream have been revealed by brain scan for the first time, scientists report in the Nov. 8 Current Biology. By monitoring the brain of a man who has unusual control over his dreaming, the accomplishment brings researchers closer to understanding how the brain spins its nightly yarns.

“It’s really exciting that people have done this,” says sleep researcher Edward Pace-Schott at Massachusetts General Hospital in Charlestown and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. “And it also brings back lucid dreaming as a very powerful scientific tool.”

Check out this week's video from "Face To Face With Faith Science" to see what The Bible has to say about this;

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