Sunday, April 3, 2011

Adam and Eve According to Science

First, one became two; then two became one!

From Faith Science;

Is There Cloning in the Bible?

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” So the Lord God formed from the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and the man chose a name for each one. He gave names to all the livestock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. But still there was no helper just right for him. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While the man slept, the Lord God took out one of the man’s ribs and closed up the opening. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib, and he brought her
to the man. “At last!” the man exclaimed. “This one is bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh! She will be called ‘woman,’ because she was taken from ‘man.’”
Genesis 2:18–23 nlt (emphasis mine)

Long before scientists created Dolly the sheep, God put Adam to sleep, removed a rib, and fashioned Eve. Her body came out of Adam, but her soul and spirit came from God. Believe it or not, God chose not to create a completely separate human body from the earth but purposefully chose to make one human being out of another. For the role she would play in his life, God wanted Eve to come from the same genetic material as Adam. I believe God did not do that by chance. The umbrella definition of cloning provided by the Human Genome Project is duplicating biological material, so
Eve would be considered a clone of Adam.

I know this might get me in trouble with many religious people, because it’s completely outside of what is traditionally taught. God created Adam out of the ground, but he made Eve out of Adam. What is this process called? The Human Genome Project, on their Web site,, defines reproductive cloning as “a technology used to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing animal.”

Dolly the Finn Dorset sheep was not the first mammal cloned. Eve, the woman who was made out of Adam’s biological material, was. Someone might argue that it wasn’t cloning because God used Adam’s rib to create Eve, not nuclear DNA. I find it hard to believe that Moses knew what DNA was at the time. Even if he saw in an open vision that God removed a cell from tissue in Adam’s chest, he still wouldn’t know what to call it.

The Faith Science Experience 3 - Stem Cells and Cloning

When: Sat, April 30, 2pm – 4pm
Where: AMLI at Milton Park, 26000 Mill Creek Ave, Alpharetta GA 30022 (map)
Description: Join Donnell Duncan for next month's "Chapter Study" from his newest book, Faith Science. These sessions are open to the community and provide an open forum for discussion, discovery, and debates arising from the inevitable collision between modern scientific developments and timeless biblical truth!

For More Info Visit;

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