Thursday, December 2, 2010

Faith Science - The Science of Christian Faith

On November 11, 2009, the headline on said, “Huge
$10 billion collider resumes hunt for God particle.” That
article, written by CNN reporter Elizabeth Landau, pushed atomic
and molecular physics to the forefront of popular culture for at least
one day. The story highlights read as follows: “The Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) will circulate a beam around the tunnel within two
weeks. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) scientists
say an electrical failure caused a major shut-down of the collider
in September 2008. The full scientific program for the LHC
will probably last more than 20 years. The LHC will look for the
Higgs boson, quarks, gluons and other small particles.”

Antoine Lavoisier is commonly referred to as the father of modern
chemistry. In 1789, he formulated the law of conservation of
mass, which in simple terms states that matter is neither created nor
destroyed. This is an approximate physical law that loses its credibility
in terms of mass conservation when physical matter changes
to a form without measurable mass.

Albert Einstein, the most famous theoretical physicist in history,
disproved the conclusions drawn by Lavoisier and took the concept a
step further. His discovery of special relativity and the related equation
of mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2, showed a relationship between
mass and energy. This allows for mass to practically disappear during
a chemical reaction and be changed into mass-less energy.

Withal, this still proved that if energy is considered a type of matter,
the simple interpretation of Lavoisier’s conclusions still applies.
Hence, even though mass in its traditional sense is not always conserved,
matter, whether or not it has physically measurable mass,
always is. Therefore, while things that exist can change form, science
has proven that everything in existence has always been in existence
and will always be in existence.

One part of the Standard Model mentioned in the earlier chapter
“Matter versus Antimatter” which cannot be fully understood by
scientists is how fundamental particles have mass. The most popular
proposal is the Higgs Mechanism, which suggests the role of a particle
called the Higgs Boson. In an article called “Ask the Experts,”
published by Scientific American on October 21, 1999, the following
questions were posed: “What exactly is the Higgs Boson? Have
physicists proved that it really exists?”

Chris Quigg, a researcher in the theoretical physics department
at FERMILAB, said, “Over the next fifteen years, we should begin
to find a real understanding of the origin of mass. The interest lies
not just in the arcana of accelerator experiments but suffuses everything
in the world around us: mass is what determines the range of
forces and sets the scale of all the structures we see in nature.”

Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research
(CERN) in Geneva along the Franco-Swiss border with the Large
Hadron Collider and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
(FERMILAB) near Chicago, Illinois, with the Tevatron Collider
have been actively involved in some important research. In an effort
to identify the source of mass, they are currently seeking ways to
definitively isolate the Higgs Boson, or God Particle. According to
the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the Higgs Boson is “a hypothetical
elementary particle that has zero spin and large mass that is required
by some gauge theories to account for the masses of other elementary

Therefore, they are attempting to prove what has been accepted
theoretically for a long time. Apparently, elementary particles essentially
have no measurable mass without the Higgs Boson. Thus, the absence or presence of measurable mass does not define the existence
of a particle. Based on this theory, all particles actually exist
apart from mass that can be quantified. If you can understand this
simple fact, it will revolutionize the way you think about everything
in life. We have always known that visibility does not define existence
because many essential elements in life are invisible, like the
air we breathe.

Yet, it was understood that even invisible elements have some
level of infinitesimal mass. Now scientific researchers are out to
prove that particles in existence can be both invisible and massless.
When God created the earth, could it be that he combined
the Higgs Boson with invisible, mass-less particles that were already
in existence? Why not? If that’s what gives a particle its mass, isn’t
every particle in existence essentially mass-less apart from the Higgs
Boson? So when we consider items with mass to be more real than
items without mass, we make as much scientific sense as a person
who concludes that something doesn’t exist because it can’t be seen.

I spent the summer of 2000 working on a cosmology project at
the Berkeley National Laboratory in California with several other
students. The lab was run by University of California Berkeley professor
Dr. George Smoot. We invested our time and other people’s
money in removing rotational noise from the Cosmic Microwave
Background Rotating Polarimeter Experiment (CMB ROPE).
Over several years, with the support of National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), millions of dollars were spent on
the cosmology projects run by Dr. Smoot.

His amazing discoveries enhanced our understanding of the Cosmic
Microwave Background and provided strong evidence for the big
bang theory. His main research project was called the Cosmic Background
Explorer (COBE), and some estimate its total cost to be $160
million US dollars. It was a smashing success, earning him the 2006
Nobel Prize in physics. Even though it answered many questions
about the origins of the universe, it also left many unanswered. Several
follow-up projects were launched, and I guarantee that this type
of research will continue until scientists run out of money, patience, or time. They will never be able to answer all the possible questions that
arise. Fortunately, that’s why we have the Bible.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by
the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made
of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:1–3 kjv

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